Kid Reading Tips & Tricks Guide

Reading to kids using an eReader or other electronic device can be daunting for a lot of parents. Aren't we supposed to keep our children away from phones all the time? Will it be bad for them? Will they have difficulty also reading paper books? In our experience, this couldn't be further from the truth and there's nothing to worry about. Just follow these easy steps to make flipping through a colorful children's book with your kid a relaxing and comfortable experience.

1. Pick Your Battles

Often children will let you know when they want to read once they become two or three. Don't force it. The last thing you want to do is create negative associations when it comes to reading. Little boys and girls might be more receptive to reading on a device than with a book, giving you more chances to read even when they might not exactly be in the mood.

It's OK if they poke the screen and turn the pages out of turn. That's just part of the fun and you can read whatever page they might happen to have turned to.

2. Use Your Voice

For young children who can't read yet, it's important to remember that your voice and how you say things relay much more of what the story is about than what is printed on the page. Inflect, annunciate, and use your tones to help the story come alive for them. If you're disinterested, your child will be too. That's why you need to pick a book that you enjoy as well!

3. Bedtime

One thing to be aware of is that using a screen to read can make for a more stimulating environment before bed. It can help to turn the brightness down on your device and select a story that revolves around bedtime. That way when it's time for lights out your child will be ready to drift off and give you the peace of mind that you deserve. This has worked for countless moms and it can work for you too.

Enjoy and happy reading!


  1. Just purchased it!! Looking forward to seeing what I can learn!!

  2. Thanks, Michelle! Let us know if you need any help!

  3. Got this book back in April - it was GREAT help! thanks!

    1. Thanks for reading, Lilly! Feel free to write a review if you feel strongly about it! :)

  4. I have only gotten about 1/2 way through this book but so far it has shown me all sorts of new and interesting things I did not know I could do with the fire. I also have the 2nd generation Kindle, is there a guide out there that is as good as this one is for the 2nd generation kindle?

    1. Hi Pat, thanks so much for reading and for your comment. We're glad you're finding it useful! Unfortunately we haven't written a guide for the K2. Is there anything specific you need help with?

    2. I don't think so. I was just wondering, like I posted above there are all sorts of things that I did not know I could do with the Fire, that was in your book so I thought maybe there was a guide I needed to read for my K2. I still would like to see a way to put my books into collections on the fire.

    3. I have the same situation and same question on how to organize my books on both my Fire HD and Kindle Second Generation.

      Thank you.

  5. I just tried to go to the web site and it locked up my PC twice.

    1. I can assure you that there's nothing dangerous or shady about Bluestacks. I'd try again on a different browser or restart the computer if it gave you trouble.

  6. I'm really tempted to purchase Secret fire tips and tricks but don't know if it will be worth it. And I am wondering if I should wait until the next Kindle Fire 2 comes out. Any suggestions?

    1. Hi Jan, the best we can tell is that any new Kindles will be released late in the 3rd quarter, probably not for another 3 months. It's certainly your call if you want to wait, but that could be a long time going without.

  7. Do you know if there is any way to organize my books. I would like to put them in catagories, Mysteries, cooking, fitness, children etc.

    1. Jan, we've been working on an app that'll do that, and it should be available in just a day or two. Stay tuned!

    2. Make sure you join our Kindle Announcements Newsletter to find out when it's available!

  8. I downloaded the app for book folders today and can't scan the books, it keeps freezing. Is there a fix to this coming soon?

    1. Hi Jan, sorry for the trouble. Yes, we're already working on getting things straightened out for people. Please stay tuned. There'll be a new tab tomorrow with news. Thanks for your patience!

    2. I don't get how this app works for some people and not for others....

  9. Where is the fully linked table of contents described above? Sure is not on my copy.

    1. Donna, have you tried scrolling backward a bit to the beginning? Sometimes Kindle books can open and start on page 1. You can also hit the menu button where there's a button linking to the table of contents.

  10. Can I download the book to my old kindle so I can follow the step on my Fire HD?

    1. Hi Morgan, yes, once you've bought the book, it'll be available on all of your devices. On your old Kindle, you'll find it among your books in the cloud. Hope you find it useful! :)

  11. Do you have a working link for the 'Kindle Announcements Newsletter'? The link that I clicked did not work. Thanks.

    1. Hi Steve, thanks. Currently we're sending emails through our Book Blast service, which occasionally has Kindle news but is mostly free and discounted books. You can sign up here: Book Blast

  12. When reading my book on my Kindle Fire, I noticed I no longer am able to see the the page number I am and how many total pages of the book. What did I do?

    1. Hi, I doubt it's anything you did. Amazon may just be changing things. You can always contact customer service if you have questions. :)


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